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Sito di Antonio Lombatti
Pseudoscienze cristiane antiche e medievali Il Blog riporta spesso novità sulla Sindone
Comitato Italiano per il Controllo delle Affermazioni sul Paranormale Il motore di ricerca del sito da' molti articoli sulla Sindone
Sito critico.Tra gli articoli linkati:
A Skeptical Response to Ray Rogers Thermochimica Acta paper on the Shroud of Turin
di Steven Schafersman. Risposta a un lavoro di Rogers spesso citato
The Shroud Re-Created by Linen Bleaching at •
Un commento di Steven Schafersman sulla teoria secondo la quale la Sindone sarebbe stata creata grazie a un dipinto su vetro, appoggiato a una tela, e poi esposto al sole.
Walter McCrone, Debunker of Legends •
The New York Times obituary, photographs of Walter, and a tribute to the late world-famous microscopist and chemical microanalyst from his colleagues. Along with many other accomplishments in microscopy, chemical microanalysis, and forensics, Walter was the person who famously first demonstrated that the Shroud of Turin was a human artifact and hoax and the Vinland Map was a forgery. All subsequent scientific investigations have supported these original conclusions, which are now widely accepted by the scientific community.